Anna Ozerskaia from Russia joins us after a few years in Malmö where she danced with Skånes Dansteater. Before coming to Sweden she was a dancer with Rami Beer, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in Israel and Kannon Dance Company in Russia. With Skånes Dansteater she has worked with choreographers such as Ben Wright, Marina Mascarell and Kenneth Kvarnström.
She has been with GöteborgsOperans Danskompani since season 2015/2016 and has performed in the following productions: Forever, Maybe, Waltz with The Beast, The Bus Will Arrive In 10 Minutes, Hammer, Kites, Here Not Here, Continuim, Skid, Au Revoir, Stoic, Sacre, As It Were, Noetic, MAX, Untitled Black, Kodak.