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En sångare under scenljus med en elgitarr vrålar i en mikrofon. Runt henne står flera svartklädda dansare med böjda huvuden.

Atlas Song

Creation by Imre and Marne van Opstal. Music Anna von Hausswolff.

Atlas Song, trailer

About Atlas Song

International star choreographers Imre and Marne van Opstal and the singer, musician and composer Anna von Hausswolff combine dance and live music in an innovative, ingenious and poetic production.

The van Opstal siblings are a creative duo from the Netherlands who, after enjoying successful careers as dancers at Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) and the Batsheva Dance Company, are taking dance stages worldwide by storm with their expressive and imaginative choreographies.

Anna von Hausswolff, from Gothenburg, is known for her uncompromising music, where her soulful voice hovers in unusual musical landscapes accompanied by the pipe organ. Since her breakthrough in 2009, she has mesmerised listeners worldwide with her concerts, in which the audience is drawn into her musical world with ritual-like intensity.

Photos from the show

Tio dansare står runt en belyst sångare vid mikrofon, alla vända framåt. De sjunger med vidöppna munnar och hårt slutna ögon.

In photo:  Anna von Hausswolff, GöteborgsOperans Danskompani|Photographer:  Tilo Stengel


“Divine and bestial” — Dagens Nyheter
“A great show” — Aftonbladet
“Magical moments” — Svenska Dagbladet
“The bar is set high from the start and remains there, even as the pace increases. 'Atlas Song' is all edginess and energy, right the way through.” — Göteobrgs-Posten
“From a raised platform on stage, her live band pumps up the pressure with dual drum sets, swinging saxophone, dramatic synths and heavy bass. The aesthetics are dark and cool in a smoky and deliciously light-designed scene with cubes and high-gloss reflective surfaces. The dance is sculptural and ritualistic, rhythmic and gestural.” — Aftonbladet
“Instead of hiding von Hausswolff's band in the orchestra pit, [Tom Visser] has placed it on a raised platform at the back of the stage, in fog and blinding spotlights, towering above the dancers like mythical beings, angels or gods.” — Dagens Nyheter
“It's at its most magical when the singer and the tens of dancers move as one body, rocking or singing straight at the audience.” — Dagens Nyheter
“I think we have just witnessed the best dance performance of the decade at the Göteborg Opera. The applause would not stop.” — Borås Tidning
“There are tableaus of an almost sacral nature created by Visser’s lighting” — Göteobrgs-Posten
“The collaboration with the Dutch choreographers von Opstal has indeed turned out well, as they have world-class dancers available to them at the Göteborg Opera” — Alba


MUSIC Anna von Hausswolff


Length - 1 h 15 min
Dancers - 10
Musicians - 7

World premiere 23 Aug 2024, Göteborg Opera’s Main Stage.

The Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival and the Göteborg Opera’s dance season both opened with the world premiere of Atlas Song, as a celebration of their joint 30th anniversary.

Agents, programmers for venues and festivals

For access to the programme, press photos or a video of the entire performance, please send an email request to danskompani@opera.se