We are responsible for everything from ensuring that the performance you see is lit in the right way, to meeting the vision of the artistic team, to optimal sound both for you in the auditorium and for everyone on stage and in the orchestra pit. Our studio produces video that is used in various productions, and records the performances. Our department is involved throughout the entire production, from the first idea meeting with the artistic team until the lighting is stored after the last performance.
Lighting, sound and video
Lighting masters, spotlight operators, video producers and sound technicians – we work to give you and our artists the best possible light, sound and video when you visit us.


Joel Björberg
Manager for Lighting, Sound and Video

Niklas Ankarhem
Lighting technician

Lars-Johan Arnesson
Lighting technician

Jonas Asklund
Lighting technician

Oscar Boman
Lighting technician

Sarah Carleson
Lighting technician

Bernat Comellas Esteruelas
Lighting technician

Niklas Elfvengren
Lighting technician

Frida Fridell
Lighting technician

Justin Goodrich
Lighting technician

Peter Götzlinger
Technical manager, lighting and video

Tobias Hellström
Lighting technician

Ellen Jerneholm
Spot operator

Emily Lavebäck
Lighting technician

David Stokholm
Lighting designer / Lighting techician

Johan Tengqvist
Lighting technician

Karin Wijk
Lighting technician

Johanna Ökvist
Lighting technician

Hanna Östergren
Theatre technician / Lighting technician (temp.)

Jonathan Assarsson
Sound technician

Dennis Barkevall
Sound technician

Joachim Bohäll
Sound technician

Marcus Brandberg
Sound technician

Linn Vidarsson
Sound technician
Video and projection

Peter Götzlinger
Technichal Manager, Lighting and Video