Equal treatment plan
The Göteborg Opera’s Equal Treatment Plan (2022–2027) is based on the Discrimination Act. The purpose of this act is to counteract discrimination and in every way promote equal rights, obligations and opportunities regardless of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, beliefs, disability, sexual orientation or age. In addition to the Discrimination Act, documentation from Region Västra Götaland’s employee policy and equal treatment procedures as well as the Göteborg Opera’s budget and operational plan are used as a basis for this plan.
The Equal Treatment Plan was produced by the Göteborg Opera’s Equality and Diversity Group, which works directly on behalf of the management team. Chairmanship is shared between the CEO and the HR Manager.
The sustainable dancer
GöteborgsOperans Danskompani is one of the world’s leading contemporary dance companies. In our wellness programme for dancers, “The Sustainable Dancer”, the focus shifts from rehab to prehab to prevent injuries, provide support and promote long-term quality of life even after the end of the dancer’s career. The programme applies a holistic perspective with equal focus on mental and physical health. It is made up of four parts, physical wellness, mindset, diet and recovery, which are tailored to each dancer, the group and the relevant production.

Children and Youth Council
The Göteborg Opera’s Children and Youth Council works to ensure that all the children who participate annually in projects, choirs and productions at the opera are treated equally, regardless of which activities they are involved in. Read more here

Whistleblowing service
A whistleblowing service plays an important role for Region Västra Götaland and The Göteborg Opera. The service enables people who are in a working relationship with the Göteborg Opera to easily report any suspicions of misconduct and irregularities in work-related contexts.