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Together with us, you will be able to reach both our physical audience of 300,000 visitors and our digital audience of 850,000 annually – a diverse, influential target group that is happy to spend money.

Through partnership you will support a rich, inspirational cultural environment which will in turn help strengthen the attractiveness of both the region and the city. Together we can contribute to making the performing arts available to more people, along with all the good things that come with it: a vibrant region also makes competent employees thrive, and attracts students, new talents and entrepreneurs.

Welcome into our world, where people meet and imagination can become reality!

Partner categories

Main partner

These are our most customised contracts, where we start from how we might best collaborate to achieve our respective goals. We plan together to make the activities that will bring the most benefit to both parties.

For our main partners, we open the doors to unique opportunities – such as a fully-booked performance or the entire Opera house to yourselves for a day. Schedule a working day at the Opera for your company or department, or take the staff on a unique guided tour.

Contact us to see what exactly we can do together.

Become a main partner



Engagement partner

The engagement partner model is for those of you whose are passionate about specific issues such as sustainability, digital innovation, children and youth or GöteborgsOperans Danskompani.

As the name indicates, with this partnership we delve deeper into a certain part of our organisation and look at the support that is needed to reach specific goals. Working together with a partner, we can generate activities where 1+1 in fact makes 3. In this form of partnership we develop together, creating new models for how we can make the performing arts accessible to more people. Once we find the key factor driving our partnership, it usually becomes easy to come up with relevant activities.

Contact us and we will tailor a package that suits your business. Come change the world with us!

Become an engagement partner



Premium & Standard partner

As a Premium or Standard partner, we make it easy for you to share in Gothenburg Opera's experiences. Choose one of our fixed packages and then you can sit back.

Both Premium and Standard partners get association and visibility in Gothenburg Opera's foyer, on our website and in the printed season program. You’ll get access to our premieres, opportunities to invite staff and customers, as well as invitations to our partner networking events where we meet for breakfasts, ambassador dinners and our much appreciated Festkväll (Gala). Let us pamper you!

Below are some package examples:

Premium partner

  • 150 tickets in a mix of opera, dance and musicals
  • 10 “Golden evening” packages
  • 20 lunches in the Gothenburg Opera Restaurant
  • 30 tickets to Gothenburg Opera's annual Festkväll dedicated to our partners
  • 3 company/staff events per year with VIP tour behind the scenes
  • Possibility to arrange a Christmas lunch or Christmas party in the foyer
  • Event planning
  • 50 Cultural Hero tickets and visibility in the foyer*
  • Invitation to network meetings with partners and friends of the Gothenburg Opera

Become a Premium partner

Standard partner

  • 50 tickets in a mix of opera, dance and musical
  • 10 “Golden evening” packages
  • 20 lunches in Gothenburg Opera's restaurant
  • 20 tickets to Gothenburg Opera's annual Festkväll evening dedicated to our partners
  • 20 Cultural Hero tickets and visibility in the foyer*
  • Invitation to network meetings with partners and friends of the Gothenburg Opera

Become a Standard partner


*Cultural Hero

“Cultural hero” tickets allow the curious to enjoy Göteborg Opera’s performances for free, and are intended for new audiences do not visit us currently.

Learn more about Cultural Hero tickets


Red Carpet

With our partner club Red Carpet, you are guaranteed wonderful meetings, networking and an exclusive proximity to the performing arts.

You can look forward to the following during the year

Package for companies:

  • 20 tickets in a mix of genres (opera, dance and musical), of which 8 are for premieres
  • 10 tickets to Gothenburg Opera's annual party evening Festkväll dedicated to our partners
  • Early-access to our bi-annual ticket releases
  • Special ticket offers on selected occasions for staff and customers
  • Invitation to networking meetings with partners and friends of Gothenburg Opera
  • Association and visibility in Gothenburg Opera's foyer, website and seasonal programme

50 000 kr ex. VAT (60 000 kr if you join as a Culture Hero – see below)

Package for individuals:

  • 10 tickets in a mix of genres (opera, dance and musical), of which 4 are for premieres
  • 4 tickets to Gothenburg Opera's annual gala evening Festkväll dedicated to our partners
  • Early-access to our bi-annual ticket releases
  • A gold card with benefits and discounts
  • Association and visibility in Gothenburg Opera's foyer, website and seasonal programme

15 000 kr ex. VAT (25 000 kr if you join as a Culture Hero – see below)


Eva Essvik

Manager for business, partnerships and digital innovation
