Lars Hjertner is a musical artsit who was employed at the Göteborg Opera in 2002. He attended Calle Flygare Theatre School and Kulturama.
During his years at Länsteatern in Skaraborg he performed in Arsenic and Old Lace, Maratondansen, Grease and the one-man performance Änglaknäpp. At Oscarsteater, he performed the title role in Cyrano, and in Himlaspelet he performed the role of Mats. At the Göteborg Opera his roles have included Lilleman in Stoppa Världen!, Lumière in Beauty and the Beast, Fred in Kiss me Kate and the title role in Chaplin. His most recent roles include The Director in LasseMajas Detektivbyrå och Operamysteriet, The Judge/Fyrstjärnan in Carmencita Rockefeller and Nils in Kristina from Duvemåla. Lars has also performed a Bellman concert Hvila vid denna källa, together with The Norwegian Wind Ensemble in Halden. He acts often as a compère and continues to tour with his one-man show Änglaknäpp.