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Dance with Baby

A dance class for parents with babies who haven’t yet started crawling or walking

  • Duration

    1 h

  • Stage

    Dance studio, Göteborg Opera

  • Genre

    Experience more

  • Price

    50 kr

  • Recommended age

    Babies 3–8 months old

  • Accessibility

Buy ticket

These joyful dance sessions for you and your baby provide playful movement inspiration. They also offer insight into GöteborgsOperans Danskompani and The Göteborg Opera’s activities.

New parents commonly feel they have to put their own needs and interests on hold, such as cultural experiences and exercise.

Dance with Baby is led by Angelina Allen de Melo, previously a dancer with GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, and offers a combination of culture and movement for you and your child.

50 kr per ticket (1 ticket = entrance for 1 adult with 1 baby). Max. 14 tickets per session.

Practical information

No previous experience is needed. Instructions will be given in both Swedish and English.

Come to the foyer, and we will walk from there to the dance studio. Latecomers cannot be admitted.

Wear comfortable clothes, since the session will involve a fair amount of movement. Gym shoes are not necessary.

Bring a baby carrier or sling if you wish. Carriages will be parked some distance from the studio, but you can participate even if your baby is asleep.


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