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En guide står i salongen och presenterar för en grupp besökare.
Experience more

Guided tours

Welcome in behind the scenes!

  • Duration

    Approx 1 h. Themed tours take up to 2 h.

  • Stage

    Göteborg Opera

  • Genre

    Experience more

  • Price

    See below

  • Accessibility

Buy tickets

Both our regular and themed tours are normally presented in Swedish, but if you make a group booking (instructions below) and inform us you would like your tour to be presented in English, we will be happy to do so!

Why are there TV-screens on the balconies? What happens during a blackout? Is it possible for a singer without a microphone to be heard over a full orchestra? Discover the answers to all this and more on a guided tour through the house, which will take you behind the scenes and through the auditorium.

Blacksmith, set painter, electrician, wardrobe, chef, carpenter, tailor, naprapath, camera operator, milliner, stage manager and wear-and-tear specialist. These are just some of the 90 occupations contained within the Göteborg Opera. Come behind the scenes and meet the people who never appear on stage.

”To be able to give visitors an insight into our work is both fun and exciting”, explains guide and former singer Susanne Albertus. ”Each tour is different, and depends on what the group is interested in and what is going on in the house while they are here. Sometimes I can be as surprised as our visitors!”

Over 400 000 visitors have already been on one of our guided tours. Come along, and we promise you a one-of-a-kind experience. See you here!

Themed tour: Costumes

A hive of creativity fits inside the opera house walls. In our costume department around 40 people work hard at producing, changing and managing over 1200 costumes per year. Our guides will take you on this special costume-themed tour – where you will visit our costume studios and storage rooms as well as describing what is involved in creating stage costumes – from the initial sketches to the final product.

This tour is conducted in Swedish.

1.5–2 h

Adults 150 kr
6–20 years old, 75 kr

Themed tour: Opera's workshops

Join us on a guided tour through all the opera house's workshops! At the Gothenburg Opera, painters, carpenters, blacksmiths, designers and attribute makers work to produce scenography and props for the performances. On this special tour, we pass, among other things, the blacksmith shop, the carpentry shop, the painting shop and the props department.

This tour is conducted in Swedish.

1.5-2 h

Adults 150 kr
6–20 years old, 75 kr

Themed tour: Theatre tech

Lighting, sound, timing and advanced theatre machinery. There’s a lot that happens behind the scenes during a perfromance. Come on a tour where you’ll lear more about how Göteborg Opera’s inspicients, stage, lighting and sound technicians make sure that everything that happens on stage occurs at the right time.

This tour is conducted in Swedish.

1.5-2 h

Adults 150 kr
6–20 years old, 75 kr

Photographer:  Mats Bäcker


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